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2019 Gaming Calendar!

It’s that time of year again… The 2019 Gaming Calendar is now live on Kickstarter!

Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/th3rdworld/2019-gaming-calendar

There are over 320 photos in the custom calendar pool. If you were looking to get a Custom Calendar, make sure you back the new campaign because I only sell them through through Kickstarter. If money is tight, or it is bad timing, don’t worry, the Base Calendar will be for sale online post-Kickstarter.

I’m excited because this year I added a new pledge tier at $20 offering an 8×12 print! So if you were never THAT into the calendar, but wanted to get a nice piece of art for your gaming room, office, or for wherever, you can snag one of those!




