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The New ScottKing.info

Everything on the back-end is up and running again. I’m still heart broken about losing nearly six years of blog posts, but the only thing to do is to move forward.

I have a ton of video tutorials still on youtube but a lot of them are for CS4 & CS5 so instead of re-posting old ones my plan is to regularly re-record new ones for CS6. There were will only be a few over the next month, but once my spring semester starts I’ll be filming a lot for my computer classes which will focus on After Effects and Premiere.

On the writing front I have a new book that will be announced in a few months so expect to also see a lot of posts focusing on writing.

Then of course my photography business has really picked up in the past year so I also want to start recording photography tutorials as well as “This is how I got this shot” type of posts.

So sit back, relax, maybe subscribe via RSS, and let’s get going!



