If I’m taking photos, I prefer to have my nice DSLR, however one of the best things about using my iPhone is that it automatically adds GPS coordinates to all my pictures. That means in a quick glance I can see where I spent most of my time in 2013 (click the image above to see a larger view)!
It’s crazy to look at because you can tell that about two thirds of the year was spent in the MD/DE area and the last third was spent in Texas. There is such a huge empty gape between the two, which is funny because I drove 90% of the way here on our 31 hour drive, which meant I was too busy to snap any photos.
You can also tell that before we left Maryland we did our best to visit and see all of our favorite places, which are spread out everywhere. On the flip side, in Texas you basically have the major cities and then NOTHING but fields with cows between them, which is why the photos in Texas aren’t as spread out.