Note: This is a cover mock-up for Volume 1 that we never used.
Five years ago today, Holiday Wars launched online with the first 16 pages (32 episodes) of Volume 1. Since then we’ve never missed an update, released Volume 1 as a graphic novel, completed Volume 2, and are making our way through Volume 3 (everything but colors are done). This fall I’ll hunker down and write Volume 4 and next winter we are hoping to Kickstart the graphic novels for Volumes 2 & 3.
It’s taken a lot of work to keep Holiday Wars going and I don’t deserve all the credit. Michael Odom, the artists behind the books, has tenacious work ethics. I have no idea how he manages to complete so many pages in such quick spurts. He’s is an absolute beast and has been amazing to work with. In addition Gi Pica has colored his heart out. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve asked him to make corrections and his response is usually something along the lines of “Sure, no problem!”
Most of all, I want to thank the readers that have stuck with us. It’s not easy following an ongoing storyline in a comic posted online and yet we have regular readers who have been commenting on each episode for well over four and a half years. Its for you guys that we do this. Sure we love making the story, but knowing you all care about the characters and events as much as we do means everything. Thanks for sticking with us!