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Food Photography: Salmon Time!

This is my dinner last night. Salmon is my favorite fish and Lisa hates it. She also hates brussel sprouts so this is my go-to dinner when she’s out of town.

For lighting I have a softbox behind the food and then reflectors in the front.

The salmon really isn’t an attractive piece of Salmon. I should’ve picked out a nicer cut when I was at the store. I am happy with how the seasoning looks, but I don’t like that extra charred spot on the front corner. I might have left it in the broiler for a few seconds too long.

The only real cheat is that the brussel sprouts in the photo aren’t fully cooked. I just par-boiled them to get that nice green color. Afterwards I did steam them and they were yummy!






One response to “Food Photography: Salmon Time!”

  1. SFP Avatar

    I just par-boiled them to get that nice green color. Afterwards I did steam them and they were yummy!