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Category: Creators Cast

  • Creators Cast: David J. Peterson!

    David J. Peterson is a conlanger, a person who creates languages, and has worked on shows like Game of Thrones, The One Hundred, and tons more! He’s become Hollywood’s go-to guy for new languages and has even written a book on the subject called “The Art of Language Creation.” To learn more about David head…

  • Smarter Artist Summit!

    Next Week I’ll be at the Smarter Artists Summit in Austin hanging out with a bunch of cool creators and entrepreneurs. Surprisingly, a handful of the guest speakers and attendees have been on my podcast, the Creators Cast, so even though you aren’t at the Smarter Artist Summit you can pretend you were by listing to these…

  • Creators Cast: Garrett Robinson!

    Author Garrett Robinson is here to talk about his epic Nightblade Series. Nightblade is the first of multiple series set in the same world that Garrett eventually plans to have overlap and intertwine. He’s also a freelance editor and one of the newest writers to be signed by Sterling & Stone. To learn more about…

  • Creators Cast: Grant Rodiek!

    Grant Rodiek is a producer for EA Games and has spent nearly the past ten years making Sims Games. If that wasn’t enough he’s also a multi-time published game designer and just this past year he started his own board game publishing company. To learn more about Grant head over to: http://hyperbolegames.com/ Part 1: Part…