Category: Creators Cast
Creators Cast: Jamie Davis!
This week Jamie Davis, RN, NRP, B.A., A.S., host of the Nursing Show, joins the Creators Cast to talk about podcasting, writing, and everything in between. To learn more about Jamie make sure you checkout his main podcast at! iTunes Feed: (for subscribing via iTunes) RSS Feed: (for subscribing via a podcast app)
Creators Cast: Honoree Corder!
Best selling author Honoree Corder joins the show. With more then twenty books under her belt and her her hit book “You Must Write A Book” still topping the charts MONTHS after release, Honoree shares how she got started and transitioned out of being a business coach to being a full time writer. To learn…
Creators Cast: Geoff & Bryan Engelstein!
Father and sun duo Geoff and Bryan Engelstein join the show to talk about the nitty gritty awesome nerdiness of board game designing. To learn more about Geoff check out his own podcast Ludology ( where he analyzes board game mechanis iTunes Feed: (for subscribing via iTunes) RSS Feed: (for subscribing via a podcast app)
Creators Cast – 100th Episode!
Crazy sauce. The Creators Cast hit episode 100 this week! Since it’s my show and I can do whatever I want I decided I wanted Eric Summer to return! So he did. We gab about board games, audiobooks, and even have some Flip The Table style fun (with of course Moderator Chris’ approval!). iTunes Feed:…