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Category: Me

  • Unpub 3 Write-Up!

    The Event: Over the weekend, Lisa, my girlfriend, and I attended an event called Unpub 3. It was a mini convention for unpublished games that the designers used to beta-test prototypes. There were over 65 games featured at the event, about 45 designers, a few publishers, and players. For full discloser, you need to know…

  • Exploring Pinterest

    I had been hearing a lot about Pinterest so I decided to give it a spin. I’ve been on it for two and a half weeks and my original conception of what it was and what I would use it for is completely different from I thought it would be. In the picture above you…

  • The New ScottKing.info

    Everything on the back-end is up and running again. I’m still heart broken about losing nearly six years of blog posts, but the only thing to do is to move forward. I have a ton of video tutorials still on youtube but a lot of them are for CS4 & CS5 so instead of re-posting old ones…

  • Still Re-Building

    After getting hacked and loosing over 3,000 blog posts I’m still re-building. Give me a week or so and everything will be up and running again.