Category: National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day
A Message from Cthulhu!
The kickstarter for National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day launches a week from today and before it does it’s super important to hear this message from Cthulhu.
The cover for National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day!
With the Kickstarter launching in less than two weeks I thought it was time to finally reveal the cover art for the book. We decided to go with a wrap around cover, so everything from his left arm to his right arm would be the front. A small bit of the table and his wing…
Spaghetti & Meatballs Good Enough For Cthulhu!
National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day (the book) is the ultimate guide on how to celebrate National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day (the holiday). Included in the book are a bunch of recipes but of coursre the star of them all is Italian Meatballs, because let’s be honest you can’t have National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day without…
National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day (the book) is the definitive guide to celebrating National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day (the holiday). Celebrated on August 15th, or the weekend closest to it, National Cthulhu Eats Spaghetti Day is about good food, spending time with friends or loved ones, games and of course unspeakable horrors. What is in the…