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Category: News


    I only have one piece I am hoping readers read this year, and that is THE STARDRAKE EFFECT. It is a slice of life drama with spaceships, service animals, and queer characters. Two of the biggest themes it touches upon are ableism and finding yourself. Here is the official blurb: THE STARDRAKE EFFECT clocks in…

  • The 2020 Gaming Calendar!

    The 2020 Gaming Calendar is now for sale. If you missed the kickstater, now is time to get your copy! Get it here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/scott-king/2020-gaming-calendar/calendar/product-24242652.html

  • The Silmarillion!

    Last month I decided I was going to re-read Lord of the Rings. Mostly I was curious about how often random names and references were made to stuff that doesn’t happen in LotR. Plus I have ALWAYS skipped the poems and this time I wanted to read them. I got four chapters into LotR and…

  • Creators Cast: Brian D. Meeks!

    Data guru Brian D. Meeks joins the show to talk about the art of analyzing data, and more specifically the secrets to running Amazon Ads! To learn more about Brian make sure you check out his site: http://extremelyaverage.com/ iTunes Feed: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/creators-cast/id907534102?mt=2 (for subscribing via iTunes) RSS Feed: http://creatorscast.libsyn.com/rss (for subscribing via a podcast app)