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Category: News

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • The 2014 Gaming Calendar is Out To Backers!

    That’s a wrap. Other than the one person who still hasn’t responded to their backer survey, the calendars are ordered and on their way to backers. Thanks a bunch to everyone who supported the project and those who re-posted and re-tweeted. It literally couldn’t have happened without your help!

  • Mohonk Preserve!

    When on our fall trip last year, one of the neatest places we visited was the Minnewaska State Park in Rochester, NY. We did a lot of hiking, saw a bunch of waterfalls, and it was utterly beautiful. This photo was taking from the top of a cliff at the edge of the park. The park…

  • Bitter Melon!

    This is sautéed biter melon stuffed with roasted peppers & cheese. Biter melon is a lumpy wart covered vegetable that I ran across at an Amish market in Dover, Delaware. It’s apparently used a lot in asian foods, though I had never seen it before. Also as the name suggests it’s very bitter so it…