Category: Photography
Oak Alley Plantation!
This is the Oak Alley Plantation in Louisiana. We visited it last year on our way back from New Orleans. It was gorgeous to see, but one of the first times I’ve ever visited a historical site and saw slave quarters. What was interesting though is that a slave who lived their in the mid…
New Orleans French Quarter!
Last year in February, Lisa and I visited New Orleans. She had spent almost two years living in Baton Rouge and she had been wanting to show me New Orleans since it’s only a four and a half hour drive from where we live in Texas.
I have no idea what flower this is. Lisa probably knows. We have a big garden with a mix of wild flowers, fruit trees, vegetables, and plants specifically meant for attracting butterflies and humming birds. The plants started blooming in early February and will continue to do so till the end of June. By June…
Spring Flowers in Austin!
In Texas, the bluebonnet and indian paintbrushes grow EVERYWHERE… well at least everywhere between like Louisiana and the hill country. I snagged this photo last March when in Austin for the Smarter Artist Summit. I had been driving back to my hotel, and took a semi-backroad because the highway around Austin was jammed. I came around…