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Category: Places

  • Lone Star Dome!

    This is underside of the rotunda at the Texas State Capitol Building. The star and letters are made of bronze and a good seven or eight stories off the ground. The fun part in taking this photo was laying down flat on the floor while everyone around me, including the security guard stared at me…

  • Texas State Capitol Building!

    Last week I met up with my good friend Bob in Austin and we did a tour of the Texas State Capital Building. I was really excited because I know NOTHING about the history of Texas. Growing up in Maryland means I know about Lord Baltimore and east coast facts. So it was really neat…

  • Driftwood!

    The gulf of Mexico is about twenty minutes from where we live (we are basically halfway between Houston and the coast) but we’ve only gone a few times because the dunes are a hot spot for diamond back rattle snakes. I think when winter comes and animals around here are less aggressive (mosquitoes, snakes, &…

  • Asian Carp!

    Last week I tried to film the Kickstarter video for “Cupcakes vs. Brownies” (my next book) and it kept getting interrupted by jumping Asian Carps! It was so bad that we had to scrap the shoot because they were too noisy. Plus we saw an alligator and I got nervous being near the water.